onsdag den 18. december 2013

First Blogpost...yay?

So uhm, hello everyone! Those of you who came from Instagram or Tumblr might already know me. In case you do not already know who I am, here are some facts about me:
  • I am 15 years old
  • My name is Lis
  • I live in Denmark (That's in Europe)
  • This is going to be a fandom and book blog
  • My fandoms include: Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Percy Jackson, Divergent, John Green, Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit, a bit of this and a bit of that
  • I don't know how often I will post
So yeah, this is a bit about me! If you wanna follow me on other websites, my URL for Instagram, Tumblr and Goodreads is Potterlocknerd.